Friday, August 24, 2012


I want to welcome everyone to Kindergarten this year!!   I am looking forward to an amazing year with your child!!  Please make sure to check in for important information about upcoming events (most of which you can find on your weekly newsletter)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Monday, March 12, 2012

Easter Egg Hunt!!!!

We will be having an Easter egg hunt on Thursday, April 5th.  Please have your child bring a basket, bucket, or bag on this day.  We will need ALL students to bring 12 PRE-FILLED eggs.  We prefer eggs without chocolate and the eggs from the store that have already been filled.)  Please send all eggs in by Tuesday, April 3rd.  Also, please have your child wear tennis shoes on this day. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Happy New Year!!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!  I know I did!!  We are getting back to our schedule and beginning to get ready for 1st grade.  It will be here before you know it!
This is a list of skills that we will learn this 9 weeks (please begin to go over these skills with your child):

Recognize full name
Use a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence
write my alphabet
follow words left to write and top to bottom when reading
Name capital and lower case letters of the alphabet
say the sound for the letters of the alphabet
print first middle and last name
illustrate writing
count to 75
write # 0-20
compare # 0-20(more less or equal to)
describe objects as heavier/lighter and taller/shorter
count to 100 by 10

Thursday, November 17, 2011



On Thursday, December 15th, Kindergarten will perform a Christmas Program following the PTO meeting.  Our class will dress as snowmen!  We are need of some help in making the costumes (they are not hard to make).  If you have some extra time on your hands and are willing to help please let me know and I will gladly send you some materials and directions. 

Thanks for all you do!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Fall Carnival

Don't forget we will have some baskets to auction off at the carnival.  We are in need of some pet items (toys, brushes, leash, collar, beds, treats, gift cards, etc) and also some golf items (tees, balls, towels, gift cards, etc).  We have only had 1 donation for the basket so far.  Many places will donate items if they have enough notice.  Great places would be Pet Smart, Putt Putt, local groomers or golf courses or stores.  If you are willing to contact businesses for donations, please let me know.

Also we are in need of some small clothes for our  "scarecrow booth" at the carnival. If you have any baby clothes/pajamas that you don't need please send them to school with your child.  It will br great fun!  There is a PTO carnival meeting tonight.  They will be discussing many items/ideas about the carnival.  Everyone is invited to come.

Happy Tuesday :)